My place to put up three-dimensional sculpture ideas.

About Me

Sculptor, Designer, Resides in Southern Colorado, USA. age 62. Interested in mould-making and casting, public or outdoor sculpture presentation, and space or environments in which to present them.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Reclaiming A Piece Set Aside For A While

This one is something I did not complete intersection on the third axis having considered  certain implausible use of what woudl come out of it. This is a combination of that, after adjusting the third intersection, which produced internal voids. Using a full amplitude wavy plane across a solid was one of the more dramatic pieces in terms of depth of "cut". I don't usually like making these polychrome pieces, and instead prefer one solid color or material, with or without some kind of uniform texture.

Zippered Egg and a Vacant Parcel Suitable For a Sculpture Park

A while back before I knew more about how to draw on Google Sketchup I investigated a vacant parcel nearby the City Park in Pueblo, Colorado, and so in looking back into it I also dug out one of the first things that I drew, a sphere with a vertical fissure that parted along  simple, global lines. I called it "Zippered Egg". And while the library took Google Sketchu[p off most of the computers at the public library (the only access to the internet for me at this time) I am still interested in repurposing this  marginal land for this purpose.

I also looked into different styles of presentations. The one above uses a masonite baclground.

This one is a wide line sketchy version.

Monday, June 17, 2013


Working with the previous set of intersections I was interested in trying to see how few panels I might need, or some clearer illustration of how to get the solid that I want developing from them. I attempted to see them through the use of transparency and opaqueness.

The first attempt didn't help much, although it made for some interesting images.

This one seems more "business-like".
Finally, I just decide to look through them as if they were some kind of microcopic cellular organism.
The planar configuration are red, yellow, and blue for each axis. It still doesn't illlustrate very well.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Sphere and Cradle

This brought up some concerns about working with steel and glass to support what would essentially be a cast stone or hollow masonry piece. The design of the collapsing cube was derived from a radius approximatelly 33 meters out.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

A Three-dimensional Loom

In planning to make a smaller-scaled model of the type of sculpture I am interested in creating I have found that what I am looking for is something more akin to a loom, but adapted to three-dimensional development. There are so many intersections that I now imagine it easier, or more clarified to interweave the lines that form up the planes I want to create from all the way outside the subject area. This is like the proverbial notion of "thinking outside the box"

I had to wonder if I had at some point incorporated the little visual quiz I found in a book that regarded problem-solving in architecture.
Connect these nine dots using only four straight lines. [The solution I will post later.]

Geometric Intersections

After yet another try at intersecting wavy planes aligned diagonally across the face of a cube I made a discovery of a different kind of solid from over-extending these further than what I had usually done. I re-used these intersections which seemed like an inversion of what I had expected after figuring out which way to join two together diametrically opposed. This is what I ended up with.

Monday, June 10, 2013

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