My place to put up three-dimensional sculpture ideas.

About Me

Sculptor, Designer, Resides in Southern Colorado, USA. age 62. Interested in mould-making and casting, public or outdoor sculpture presentation, and space or environments in which to present them.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Trees ~ The Ponderosa

Today I tried to use Google Sketchup's powerful utility with components to attempt - at least partially - to draw a Ponderosa pine tree. I started out with a simple pentagonal pyramid stretched up to 35 feet and then worked on imitating where boughs appeared. The have a certain character at different heights. some more vertical some underslung and s-shaped in search of sunlight. Here is one set of boughs about mid-way in this illustration. I stacked them - also on a pentagonal arrangement - as they seem to do. I have not gone so far as to measure proportions where branches occur or their angles. This was just from all I could glean looking out the window.

Monday, December 9, 2013


I don't know if I have a new post yet on this. I keep trying to find a model that has gnomic projections from 20 equal sides. It is vexing when checking the top and bottom hemispheres by di-hedral angles and the middle section pieces are longer than the ones for the tops and bottom pieces.
Pressing on, I am interested in making articulated surfaces curving from the vertices, imagining Buckminster Fuller's "tensegrities" at work.

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