My place to put up three-dimensional sculpture ideas.

About Me

Sculptor, Designer, Resides in Southern Colorado, USA. age 62. Interested in mould-making and casting, public or outdoor sculpture presentation, and space or environments in which to present them.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

forty-foot diameter spiral ring

translucent spherical intersection on cube pattern 12' x 12'

poly chrome sketch of same before "nibbling off the edges".

Sunday, December 23, 2007

oval tubing in flatter weave (4"x8")

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Initial study of woven tubing fence, in 4" diameter cast stone.

Spending some time a week later I re-drew it with a tighter weave.
(As of this post I have only been playing with it two weeks, self-taught. I think that with any in-depth amount of time drawing with Google Sketchup6 one will learn at an exponential rate. My biggest challenge at this point is in how long I can sit.)
hollowed sphere
(A proposal in tunnelling through a sphere with a logarithmic, conical shape.)


Saturday, December 1, 2007

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