My place to put up three-dimensional sculpture ideas.

About Me

Sculptor, Designer, Resides in Southern Colorado, USA. age 62. Interested in mould-making and casting, public or outdoor sculpture presentation, and space or environments in which to present them.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Deliberate Wandering

I tried to imagine a quarter of a sphere limited within the space of a cube.

I now imagine encircling a dodecahedron with undulating tubing. 

Sunday, July 14, 2013


I've let my imagination wander a bit, but still am stuck inside a cube.

First I thought about atomic structure, that is, as we follow it mythologically. 

Then I constrained the idea of electron movement within the cube. What has four electrons? You know what? I flunked Physics, so i don't actually know.

Finally, I developed a band crossing the poles of a diagonally situated elliptical spheroid (diagonal across the cube in four directions), and then made the rest of it transparent.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Octahedron - Two-inch Waves, Five Interval

This was a start today. Perpendicular waves to each face. Looks very static. I'm contemplating sending the waves along a different direction.

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